“Susan provided me with the tools and support to make prioritizing healthy eating habits for me and my family easy and stress-free. The nutrition reset was exactly what we needed to get back on track!”

-Margaret S.

“I went to Susan at SPC Nutrition Coaching months after having my first child and not seeing my weight change. What I loved most about Susan is that she focused on healthy lifestyle changes and not a quick fix. I found it easy to maintain what I learned even as the program ended. It was the perfect way to reset and get back to eating the way I used to!”

- Lucille R.

“After years of struggling with IBS with chronic diarrhea-and going to several doctors who could not help me-I finally found the help I needed from Susan. She took the time to get to know everything about me, and helped me discover a way of eating that has brought me relief. I now know which foods and ingredients cause my symptoms. “

-Nicole G.