How to Stop Stress

By Susan P. Cohen, MA, RDN

Stop stress. We hear that all day every day. Sometimes that advice adds stress, which just gives us more to turn off right? Stress isn’t the problem. In fact your body comes with a stress management system. But too often people leave the lights (i.e., stress) on. Like a car battery, your phone or computer, your body shuts down when you leave it on for too long.

Is there an easy way to stop stress?

I thought you’d never ask. First, stop stressing about stress. Second, get enough magnesium. Third, don’t get too much calcium. Fourth, breathe better. Actually, number four should be number one or two. Fifth, journal for one week to see what adds stress – anything you can actually avoid?

What else can I do to stop stress?

Stressing about turning off stress isn’t good. Sure, we want to try to avoid adding stress where we can, but the act of living produces stress. In fact, the more active we are, the more stress we produce! That’s evidence alone that stress isn’t the health issue. The body considers all stress the same. So stop stressing about stress is the best thing you can do first!

Can certain foods stop stress?

Glad you asked! Magnesium is a mineral that belongs in our cells to turn off stress. Calcium comes into the cells (like an uninvited guest) and you need magnesium (like a bouncer) to tell them to go home. Magnesium pushes calcium back out of the cell to restore calm. Thus, magnesium rich foods (and beverages) are your go-to to turn off stress regularly.  Here is a list of foods rich in magnesium:

  • Avocados

  • Almonds

  • Bananas

  • Black Beans

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Leafy greens

  • Salmon

  • Tofu

  • Whole Grains

A Better Magnesium Menu

Should I take a magnesium supplement to turn off stress?

Maybe. Supplements can be a great way to get in a nutrient like magnesium to help you meet your daily needs. Not all magnesium supplements are made of the same form so some don’t work as well. Also, sometimes it is actually better for your body to adjust your calcium intake instead of taking more magnesium.

Are there any good non-food ways to turn off stress?

Breathing. There is a specific breathing technique that works the way magnesium does to turn off stress in the body. It is called the 4-7-8 breath or as I like to call it, the STOP (Stress, Turn Off Please).

  1. Breathe in through your nose to the count of 4 (1,2,3,4)

  2. Hold for 7 counts (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)

  3. Exhale for out your mouth for 8 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

  4. Repeat ten times

Does meditating help to turn off stress?

It depends. Does meditating stress you out? I’ve heard people say the thought of sitting there trying to meditate is stressful. That can be the case in the beginning or for some people. But there is excellent evidence and feedback from a lot of people who meditate that it helps with their stress. So if sitting and meditating is stressful maybe a walking meditation or time without any communication devices is a good place for you to start. Or check out an app to help you get started. Try “CALM” or “Headspace”.

Check this out for more info:

Helping Your Body Adapt to Stress


Food Allergies and Sensitivities


Improve Your Mood with Food