Eating Mindfully During the Holidays

Susan P. Cohen, MA, RDN

Holidays can be challenging for those with specific health goals. Whether you want to avoid overeating and gaining those extra pounds, you need to control your blood sugar, or you simply wish to consume only what your body requires, the holiday season can make that goal challenging.

Mindfulness refers to the practice of being aware and in the moment. All too often, our thoughts wander somewhere other than where we are in the moment. Perhaps we are preoccupied with what happened an hour ago, worried about what might happen tomorrow, or stressed over what we need to do next week. Mindfulness encourages us to notice these preoccupations, and then to gently bring ourselves back to the now. Read more about mindfulness and intuitive eating.

Mindfulness can help you fully enjoy a meal and the experience of eating. Some studies suggest that mindfulness-based practices help improve eating habits. For those who binge-eat or eat for comfort or out of stress, mindful eating may even aid with weight loss.

Here are my tips for eating mindfully during the holidays (and every day):

  • Use small plates. This can help with portion control.

  • Limit distractions. Disconnect from electronics like your phone, computer, or TV. Sit down at the table to be fully present in the meal.

  • Slow down and taste your food. Chew slowly, utilize all your senses, and lower your utensils every few bites. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to signal to your brain that it's full. Giving yourself time to digest a meal will help you notice your body’s signals.

  • Enjoy meals with others. Use mealtime as an opportunity to connect with one another. This will help you take breaks between bites, so you don’t eat too quickly.

  • Don’t skip meals. “Saving” your appetite for holiday feasts can lead to low blood sugar, intense food cravings, and over-eating.

  • Snack smart. Eat a high-protein snack before a holiday party so you’ll be less tempted by all the chips, crackers, and cheese. Examples are a handful of nuts, veggies and hummus, or fruit with 1-2 tablespoons of nut butter.

  • Sit down when eating. You’re less likely to appreciate and keep track of what you eat if you’re eating on the go.

  • Serve yourself a portion. Eating straight from a bag or box makes it easy to overeat because you can’t see how much you’ve had.

  • Ditch the “Clean Plate Club” mentality. Wasting food feels bad but stuffing yourself won’t help the hungry.

  • Honor your fullness. Even if it means passing up dessert or a second helping of food that someone spent hours preparing. Just politely say, “No, thank you.”

  • Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite holiday foods. “Try to let go of any food rules. Shift your mindset from labeling food ‘good’ or ‘bad’ to focusing on having a healthy relationship around food. Practice moderation so that you can eat the foods you enjoy without overeating. Restricting too much can leave you feeling deprived and guilty which can set you up for overeating later on.”

  • Manage stress. Meditating, taking short walks, reaching for a warm cup of herbal tea, spending time with people who make you laugh, getting enough sleep, eating a well-balanced diet, staying hydrated, and embracing social support are all great ways to manage stress. High levels of stress can increase hormones, notably cortisol, and the “hunger” hormone ghrelin, which are linked to increased appetite. Stress can contribute to cravings that lead us to crave more foods high in fat and sugar.

  • Dump New Year’s Diet Resolutions. “Instead of thinking, ‘I’ll just eat whatever I want during the holidays,’ plan ahead before the holidays by adding more exercise, eating a well-balanced diet (no “fad” or “crash diets” or detox juice cleanses) and approaching holiday meals in a more balanced way. After the holidays, don’t try to lose a lot of weight fast. “It’s better to lose weight at a slow, steady pace, 1–2 pounds per week. People who lose weight slowly are more likely to keep it off long-term.


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